Saturday, August 04, 2007

Matt's back tire blew out on his way home from work last night, the back tire of his motorcycle that is. He's unharmed, and the bike's fine, which is pretty amazing since he was going highway speed when it happened. He called at 1am to tell me this (he works 4pm-midnight), and he got home a little after 3. I guess there aren't that many tow trucks on the clock in the middle of the night.

I'm about to go wake him up enough to stagger out to the car so we can drive up to LA to my Granny's house. My Dad is visiting, he just climbed Mt Whitney, and next weekend my cousin's getting married. There's going to be a lot of driving to LA County before we get on the plane to Edinburgh. Three weeks in Scotland! HOORAY. Giant family reunion, then five days in Stornoway, then a week of mostly having my parents to ourselves. Plus we have tickets to be in Princes St Gardens for the annual fireworks display.


Pam said...

Goodness, that sounds very dangerous. Glad he's ok.

It was the Fringe Cavalcade today and guess what the weather did? Yes, it rained. Not hard, though, just good old Edinburgh misty drizzle.

Pam said...

Oh, now this comment is suddenly showing up on my computer (see comment on previous post). I shal give up and go and wash the kitchen floor.

Pam said...

That should be "shall", as you no doubt guessed.