Friday, July 30, 2004

Frost Is Now A Novelty

I took this in 2002 when I was home for Christmas. My dad planted this beech hedge and trained the individual bushes together so that the branches are now fused in places. In the summer the leaves are a glossy bright yellow green, and in autumn they turn to copper but stay attached thtough the winter.
Copper Beech
Originally uploaded by Rosemary Grace.


Rosemary Riveter said...

Heh, I'm a Rosemary from Edinburgh, but I was born in 1980, so no, I'm not THAT Rosemary.

Anonymous said...


A lovely picture. Frost on leaves is one of the few nice things about living through a winter. That picture reminds me of a similar one frosty-leaves picture I took last Christmas for a photographic challenge - see here.
