Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Did somebody hide a rotten banana under my sofa?

I am plagued by fruit flies. Every day I'm finding one drowned in whatever I'm drinking. Matt and I have gone around the kitchen double-checking to make sure there's no bits of fruit half dessicated and hiding behind the coffee jar or toaster, no culprits.

I have my first quiz of the semester tomorrow, and am beginning to think about thinking about midterm exams. But not actually thinking about them. Yet.

One of the new crop of medical students is a Monty Python fan. A blackboard in our hallway had "Questions 23a-28b" written on it, and one day I noticed someone had added near the bottom:

"29a - what is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?"

So of course I added "African or European?". A few days later I was gratified to see "I don't know! Aaaaaaaaaargh!" had appeared underneath.


Stace said...

hahaha love the Python exchange :)

Pam said...

I didn't understand that...

Lisa P said...

It's just got to be the year of the fruit fly! They are plaguing our office here in NC. *shrug* They provide endless amusement for the cats so I guess it's not so bad. :P

Anonymous said...

I was wondering where I left that banana...

... is it still good?
